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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Fruit Pizza

Last night we had fruit pizza.  My husband wasn't too thrilled about it, but he seemed to like it.  It's really hard to find something that me, the hubbs, and my two oldest will eat.  I'm basically a vegetarian, my oldest is just picky, and my husband is a carnivore.  My middle child is only 1 and he will eat something one day and not eat it the next. My youngest is only 3 months, but I'm sure when the babies get bigger it'll make things that much more interesting.  My husband won't eat noodles, soup, rice, Mexican food, Chinese food, or basically anything that I will like.  We eat A LOT of pizza in this house because it is one of the few things everyone likes.  

Yesterday was a beautiful day and something fresh and fruity sounded good to me.  My mom used to make fruit pizza in the summer time on weekends for breakfast.  It was one of my favorite things she'd make.  She would put bananas, strawberries, blueberries and kiwi on it.  It sounded amazing to me, so I decided to make it. 

You could make the sugar cookie dough from scratch, but working full time I just didn't have time to do that on a Monday  night.  My husband plays soccer almost every night of the week and my oldest has her own extra curricular's, so anything that saves me time makes me happy.  I used Pillsbury sugar cookie dough.  It's inexpensive and it tastes just as good as homemade(in my opinion).  My family is picky so I did the two fruits I know we all like; bananas and strawberries(my oldest who is 8 is on a "I hate strawberry kick, even though strawberry smoothies are her favorite).  I made her eat one bite with strawberry and then let her pick off the rest.  I still maintain that she's being silly, but what do I know?

I think it turned out great and will definitely make it again.  I cooked some thick cut peppered bacon for my carnivore husband.  He just might kill over if he ate a meal that didn't include meat.

When my younger two get a little older I think I will make individual ones so that they can put the fruit they like on their pizza. 

Fruit Pizza
One package Pillsbury sugar cookie dough
One 8 ounce package of cream cheese at room temperature
1/4 cup of white sugar
1/4 tsp pure vanilla extract 
Two bananas sliced thinly
6-7 strawberries sliced thinly

  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
  • Grease a pizza sheet.
  • Smash dough in to a circle, keep it about as thick as you would a normal cookie.
  • Bake for about 10 minutes, watch it to make sure it doesn't burn.  You want the cookie slightly crispy, but not crunchy all the way through.
  • Let cool completely.
  • In a mixing bowl combine cream cheese, sugar and vanilla until smooth. 
  • Spread on cooled cookie.
  • Decorate with whatever fruit floats your boat.
  • Enjoy!!

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