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Monday, May 4, 2015

Pizza Rolls

I'm pretty sure that these might be my husband's favorite thing that I make.  He'll eat an entire dozen just to himself.  They are really, really good.  I love to eat them with ranch dressing.  

We went to a New Year's Eve party one year at my in-law's and this lady had made a pizza loaf.  It was really really good and that's where I got the idea for these rolls.  I've made them both with Rhode's Rolls and with my grandmother's dinner roll recipe; both are great.  The Rhode's are less time consuming, that's for sure. 

The trick is to let the rolls thaw completely, but not rise at all.  This is the only tricky part.  If you let them start to rise then they won't continue to rise once you've stuffed them.  It takes about 1-2 hours to thaw completey; it just depends on how hot your house is.  You will want to spray the cookie  sheet, and also spray the saran wrap.  If you don't spray the saran wrap with oil, the rolls will dry out and they will be tough when you bake them. 

This is what they look like once they are thawed.  They are about double the size they were when the were frozen.  

The next step is to flatten them out and then stuff them with your favorite pizza toppings.  We do pepperoni and cheddar cheese in our house. Then you tuck it in to a ball.  I roll them around in the cheese that doesn't make it inside the roll.  It makes the outside crunchy and delicious.  You will want to spray the saran wrap again and place it back over the rolls.  Let them rise for another 3-4 hours. 

This is what they look like when you are done stuffing them.  You want them to double in size.  You then bake them for about 15-20 minutes.  They come out delicious and cheesy. 

Pizza Rolls

12 frozen Rhodes dinner rolls
36 pepperonis
2 1/2 cups of shredded cheddar cheese

  • Place the rolls evenly on a greased cookie sheet
  • Spray saran wrap and cover the rolls
  • Let thaw about 1-2 hours
  • Once thaw, flatten the rolls and then stuff with 3 pepperonis and a couple tablespoons of cheese
  • Roll them up in to a ball and place back on the cookie sheet
  • Spray saran wrap and place over the rolls
  • Let continue to rise until about double in size
  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees
  • Remove the saran wrap and bake for 15-20 minutes, until golden brown. 

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